Health & Well-Being Coach
Specializing in Private Yoga Instruction since 2007
What is Well-Being?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO):
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity.
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
Wellness is the strategy to stay healthy.
Well-being is the gap of where you are today to where you envision your well-being will be in the future from every aspect of Well-being. Below is the different aspects of Well-Being:
- Physical Well-Being
- Financial Well-Being
- Social Well-Being
- Mental Well-Being
- Purpose Well-Being, and
- Emotional Well-Being
Who is a Health & Well-Being Coach?
According to the National Board for
Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC)
A Health and Wellness Coach will:
partner with clients
seeking self-directed, lasting changes, aligned with their values, which promote health and wellness and, thereby, enhance well-being
display unconditional positive regard for their clients
believe in the client's capacity for change
honor each client as the expert on his or her life
ensure that all interactions with their clients are respectful and non-judgmental
Who are the Health & Well-Being Clients?
Everyone who:
Is not happy with their current life condition and is ready to do what needs to be done to change it (maybe, you are feeling overwhelmed with all the things that just happened in your life, you are trying to make sense of an event that just happened - you did not get the job you applied for, you moved to a new state and feeling lost, experiencing a change like a divorce, death of a love one, etc.)
Is in the health care, medical, first responders, education, legal field or military and feeling burnt-out: Note that you are not alone, studies have shown that
Healthcare: 1 out of 2 Physicians and Nurses are burned out
Education: 1 out of 2 Teachers within the first 5 years of teaching are burnt out
Legal Field: ABA has called out law firms to promote mental health and bring substance abuse in the open
First responders
Needs a change in the following areas
Physical Well-Being: feeling tired, stressed, cannot sleep, feel overweight, etc
Financial Well-Being: need to learn how to have healthy boundaries, etc.
Social Well-Being: need to learn how to feel refreshed, etc.
Mental Well-Being: need to learn how to balance health, family career and friends, etc.
Purpose Well-Being: need to learn how to fill your day with things that interest you, etc.
Emotional Well-Being: need learn how to be cheerful and in good spirits, etc.
Community: need to learn how to have a sense of community,etc.
To book with Ayurga:
Contact Terri or Book Online
- Speak with Terri prior to booking first appointment​
- Free 15 minute consultation